We are AEO (now TAO).
- DATE: 17/02/2022
- CATEGORY: General, Insight, News
We are thrilled to announce LCI has been awarded Authorised Engineering Organisation (AEO) status which enables us to undertake engineering work on TfNSW infrastructure and assets.
The AEO program was designed to support the engineering industry, enhance governance and improve the delegation of responsibility in the private and public sector with greater efficiency and safety.
It’s a momentous event, especially for LCI Sydney. The thorough and rigorous screening process allowed us to further demonstrate the maturity of our engineering ability, business model and management systems. Our goal is to provide our clients, including TfNSW, with justified confidence in delivering safe and fit-for-purpose design.
We are now working in collaboration with TfNSW and Sydney Trains and making effective use of our accreditation on Electrical Infrastructure Works at Central Station Precinct, one of Australia’s busiest transport interchanges.
A huge thank you and congratulation to everyone involved!